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Lazy load embedded YouTube videos

Arthur Corenzan on August 07, 2019

I was working on this simple static website that should have an YouTube video displayed right on the landing page. So I went my merry way, hopped o...
remy profile image
Remy Sharp

Great post. I wrote a reply on my blog about better support: - but the TL;DR is: add the src attribute as a fallback for when srcdoc isn't supported 👍

haggen profile image
Arthur Corenzan

Well pointed out. I have edited the post. Thank you!

aardrian profile image
Adrian Roselli • Edited

Three suggestions:

  • add a title attribute to the <iframe> (excluding it is a WCAG failure, one which Google continues to ignore),
  • consider a method to put a "Play" image over the video thumbnail so users understand it will play a video, and not just send them to a new page or load an image,
  • put an alt attribute on the image.

I mocked one up on CodePen:

Debug view:

haggen profile image
Arthur Corenzan

Great suggestions! I have edited the article to reflect this change. Thank you!

doveranalyst profile image
RJ Mrunmayee

Hi! I wrote you a reply here:

It is working on desktop but on mobile devices the autoplay is not working.
And the Unicode use does not stay Unicode like. Have shared screenshots.
Please have a look.

ceap80 profile image
Cesar Arguinzones

The video is not autoplaying on my mobile device, a Moto G4 Play. For some reason I have to double click 😞

simevidas profile image
Šime Vidas

Can I haz <lazy-youtube> web component? 😁

tomayac profile image
Thomas Steiner

My exact same thoughts. This wants to be abstracted away.

arberbr profile image
Arber Braja

Very nice and simple solution.

Speaking from personal experience having worked on the past with video heavy website.

haggen profile image
Arthur Corenzan • Edited

Now it might as well be a video light website. 😂️

doveranalyst profile image
RJ Mrunmayee • Edited

My God you're a lifesaver! Just implemented this on doveranalyst/p/videos.html
A quick solution for the playlist embed not working was to replace ?rel=0 with &rel=0.
Added modest branding also.
Looks delicious on desktop version.
But on mobile version a bright blue play icon comes.
Is there any way to have same white dupe you created in style to show on mobile chrome?
And is there any way we can have this style for the play and image placement done only once?
God bless ya.
I was tired of JavaScript making page load so bad.
My page speed score changed from 30 to 70 google page insights after this change🤩🤩🤩

marcusjt profile image

Clearly you originally used the video then changed your mind but didn't update the IMG SRC URLs, which makes it a little confusing (especially the bit about the YouTube URL schema for video thumbnails) so please update code snippets 2/3/4 accordingly! ;)

haggen profile image
Arthur Corenzan • Edited

You're most correct, sir. The thing is I checked those so many times and it still slipped. 😅️ Well, it should be fixed now. Thank you!

jelle619 profile image
Jelle Z.

Using autoplay is not ideal, as more and more browsers, especially mobile ones, don't support it. This means that on these browsers, you will have to double tap/click, which feels a little bit clunky in my opinion.

haggen profile image
Arthur Corenzan

That's true, it doesn't work on mobile and it's not ideal but I still think it's better than having your users download half a megabyte of junk. I've been thinking about it although I haven't found a good alternative just yet. In any case I should point this out in the post. Thank you for your comment!

jelle619 profile image
Jelle Z. • Edited

YouTube has an JavaScript-based embed API. In HTML, you can defer external JavaScript until the page has finished parsing. This way, the video player will only load after other parts of the page have been loaded first. While this won't decrease the amount of data that will get downloaded or prevent tracking by Google, it will allow people with a poor internet connection to comfortably view the page whilst the video player is taking its time to load in the background.

Here's a CodePen:

If you don't like using this method, you could still make videos automatically play on browsers which, on the surface, don't seem to support autoplay. Some browsers have started blocking autoplay because it allows web pages to play sound without the user's permission which can be unwanted. However, in many instances, browsers that do this will still allow autoplay when the video has been muted.

lucid00 profile image
Hugh Isaacs II

Might as well add the loading="lazy" attribute to the iframe (or even the IMG tag) for bonus lazy loading.

jelle619 profile image
Jelle Z.

Great find! I didn't know this feature also supports iframe... 😅 I hope it will be introduced to other browsers besides Chrome soon.

jarednewnum profile image
Jared Newnam • Edited

How can I handle the autoplay function since Chrome 66?

I want the user to be able to click play just once. Unfortunately, this method requires autoplay be true. In order for autoplay to work properly, mute also has to be set (mute=1).

But then the user will have to unmute once the video starts playing. How can I avoid that additional step?

hasyemiraws profile image
hasyemi rafsanjani asyari widiandi sunardi

Hi thanks for the post, great tips!
I have a question with this approach. So I'm having a problem with the video (it's my own video on youtube) that I embed on the website but it doesn't get tracked/showing up as external source pointing to the website in my Youtube Studio, do you happen to know what might be the issue?

moviezdotbiz profile image

Hai It really increased the loading speed of my blog posts , but its not fetching the thumbnail for related posts in my blogger blog , you can check the url here so can you please tell me how to modify so that my theme code can fetch the thumb nail img. Also tell me how to make it responsive in desktop. Thank You

doveranalyst profile image
RJ Mrunmayee

For related posts, you have to add ?rel=0 (if you want to show only your videos in suggestions.
And for playlists you will have to add &rel=0
See here

gaffen profile image

I really like this; glad to see it working without javascript. Think I need to give it a shot!

alex1blackhole profile image
Nason Truhach

I use this method for lazy-load video

krisc profile image

For anyone who would also like to compare the approach explained on this page with other approaches: I used back in the time.

arvindpdmn profile image
Arvind Padmanabhan

Expecting users to click twice is a problem. Firefox does autoplay but not Chrome.

vivelapub profile image

Hi Arvind. I had the exact same issue bugging me for a long time. All lazyloading codes and plugins I tried required 2 clicks on mobile for YouTube videos to play, and not only in Firefox! I've finally managed to make it work with 1 click even on mobile using the YouTube API V3. I've made a WordPress plugin out of it if someone is interested. You can see a demo here and view its code.

doveranalyst profile image
RJ Mrunmayee

Works on Chrome Mozilla, Edge for me with just one click.
Have a look

thesureshg profile image
Suresh Kumar Gondi

This works cool, and a lot weight has been reduced. Just that we need to make the final iframe code responsive.

I did checked it's not responsive yet.

Thanks for the awesome job, mate.

doveranalyst profile image
RJ Mrunmayee

Inorder to make it responsive you just have to add a div class with responsive iframe (whatever you've set in your css).

Put this whole code inside a parent

and it is responsive.

thesureshg profile image
Suresh Kumar Gondi

Thank you :)

lukemcgurdy profile image

This is a great technique. Thanks.

wiiztec profile image

How would you go about doing this for bitchute embeds specifically these nonstandard bitchute embeds I made from copying from the video page source?

haggen profile image
Arthur Corenzan • Edited

Well they're a different story cause they're not <iframe>, just regular video elements. You could go with the recently added loading="lazy" attribute, but if you need wider support you'll have to go with a JS based method to lazily load those videos. There are a bunch of implementations out there, with varying levels of sophistication. Sorry I don't have one to recommend.