DEV Community

Discussion on: Develop & Publish your own SDK in Android - Part 2(Getting started with SDK development)

hadimousavi79 profile image

Hi dear @mohitrajput987
Can develop own SDK for Android in other language such as c++ and python?
If your answer is yes can you say how can develop in other language with example and short tutorial from scratch?

mohitrajput987 profile image
Mohit Rajput

Hi, yes
In many android projects, you can see .so libraries which are developed in c++.
For that you need NDK.
You can find many ndk tutorials in internet.

hadimousavi79 profile image

Hi dear @mohitrajput987 . Thank you for answering my question.
But can you explain more about create Android SDK with c++ ( .so libraries and ndk ) please?
Because I couldn't find how to create SDK with c++