Hello Guys, I have started a project to build a native iOS application for this website (In progress), I know there is already an iOS version, but it's just a web view.
I am very open for feedback and contribution.
🧐 Why am I building this?
- Having Fun
- Working with RxSwift.
- MVVM + Coordinator.
- Exploring Dev.to and its API
- Dependency injection (Swinject)
- Just Code - No Storyboards 🤓
You can check the code here: https://github.com/hadiidbouk/DevTo.iOS
Top comments (7)
Very cool! Nothing better than platform-native apps.
Thank you!
I would be happy to contribute to your project along with my team, why don't we do this in the official repo? github.com/thepracticaldev/DEV-ios
That will be a good idea for sure, how can I contact you directly?
This is my email: fenixsolorzano@gmail.com
Great idea !
Thank you!