DEV Community

Discussion on: Web Monetization like I'm 5

hacksultan profile image
Name cannot be blank

As a creator, you can decide if you want only people with a monetization subscription to view your content or everyone in general. Coil calculates how much micropayment to send to you as a creator based on user interaction with our article. If the users viewing your article are not on a coil subscription, you don't receive micropayments to your payment pointer attached. Example: is monetized, if users on a coil subscription visit the website, I get micropayments, if users without a coil subscription visit, I don't get anything. I can easily set it that only people with coil extensions should be able to view it if I want.. It's all depends on me.

layobright profile image
Ayodeji Oladimeji

I'm sorry for disturbing sir, can you please enlist the advantages of being a Creator.

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hacksultan profile image
Name cannot be blank

Majorly, as a creator, it's a simple way to get revenge.. A micropayment is another word for money. And due to the use of interledger you don't have to worry about your location or the location of your users.

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layobright profile image
Ayodeji Oladimeji

Such a nice response,
Now I have the Idea.