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Discussion on: TIME TO SAY BYE BYE DOCKER !!! Era of Docker is over...

habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder

Having worked in dozens of Containerization-Projects in many companies over the years, Docker won't go away that quickly I'm afraid.
There aren't many broadly-accepted alternatives besides Docker. Docker has the advantage that "it was there first" (if we ignore LXC for a second)

Most big organizations are just now migrating to containers (I've mostly seen docker and containerd being used). Now, 7 years after docker was initially released to the public. That's how cautios/slow big organizations are.
Migrating to a new toolset during a running migration is mostly a terrible idea and almost always never happens. Even if the competing platform saves you a hell of a lot of trouble, most (big) companies prefer suffering Devs/Ops over spending precious money.
So give it a few years time until you can safely say bye-bye to docker.

The next best thing would probably be switching to plain containerD or CRI-O, since they are supported by vanilla kubernetes and thereby a safe bet for a few years.

manishfoodtechs profile image
manish srivastava

+1 Raphael
Here is now what docker is upgrading itself in next release 20.x is go as rootless like podman. Give it a try.

I am still that old man with LXC stick in hand :)