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Discussion on: Change job

habereder profile image
Raphael Habereder

There is no real answer anyone can give you to this question, everyone changes jobs for different reasons.

Personally, I would say "do what you feel is right". It might be a good idea to stay a little more, to get more experience, but that only works if you like what you are doing now.
And yes, I agree, times are crazy at the moment. So if the reason for your unhappyness is reasonably fresh, maybe try to sit it out for a little longer, see if it "goes away".
If you are unhappy at your current position, desire a higher salary or just don't feel satisfied with the tasks you get, maybe it is indeed time to look for a new position.

luisandradea profile image

Thanks a lot man, these time are really crazy. I will take some fresh air and think about.