DEV Community

Discussion on: Who's looking for open source contributors? (November 26th edition)

gypsydave5 profile image
David Wickes

Well I guess I am now!

gypsydave5 / todo-mvp

The non-SPA version of the todo list app


The objective of this project is to demonstrate that it is relatively simple to build web applications using HTML, CSS and a small amount of server side code written in a language of your choice.

It's the Todo Minimum Viable Product - the simplest and most extensible application you can write - but perhaps it's also the Most Valuable Player in your web development toolkit. I like to think so!


  • Working Todo-MVP application
  • Nice CSS
  • Good a11y
  • Simple acceptance test
  • Best in class a11y
  • Implement in multiple languages
  • Multiple CSS files
  • Automated deployment
  • Automate the acceptance test
  • ???

The Todo Application

The project consist (or will consist) of the following:

  • Many Todo applications, written in multiple languages, all each serving the same HTML and implementing the same API.
  • An acceptance test to confirm that the application does the above


Whereas I respect the skill and effort…

Basically it's a repo full of Todo MVC style applications implemented in different languages, but the twist is they're all implemented on the server-side. I'd like there to be a focus on simplicity and education.

Read a bit more about it here:

Perfect for both for experienced devs to show off and for beginners to challenge themselves and learn.