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Project Underway...

This week was a very busy one with Thanksgiving right in the middle of it. I reached out to a few people on Linkedin who were former Flatiron Grads abut building a PWA. A PWA stands for Progressive Web App, which is an application that functions on multiple platforms like a computer, tablet and phone. I had learned a little bit about PWAs in Flatiron School from one of my instructors. He told me about React Native. React Native is a framework for Javascript that allows webpages to refactor themselves based on the platform they are on so they look and function as intended. I thought it would be best for me to expand my knowledge of React by using this relatively new technology for my Goals app. My other alternative would be to learn Android or Ios programming languages in order to make my app work. That would be a lot of work and I figured that know React Native on top of everything else I know would only benefit me on interviews or in the job search process. I look forward to working on my app more.

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