DEV Community

Thiago Freitas
Thiago Freitas

Posted on

Scrappy web for good newssources for your dev env val (development environment values) today

Right, you are a developer or software engineer, now what?
In my personal experience for collecting good examples of code and tools that are fascinating easy to use, to search, to modify, customize and scrap, to adapt and integrate on what my mind can reach with purpose.
One of these tools is Newsflow, after installed you can follow so many sites and profiles as you want. Follow Github blog, Stackoverflow blog, ALRIGHT, Dev blog, Keyword blog, etc, etc, etc.
Newsflow on Windows 10 brings logo(ed) sites' updates notifications that instantly remarks in your memory to use in the development of a composited code.
Other good tools are RSS search through Cronycle, also a major scrapper that is used inclusively to issue magazines, Mailbrew and so-called Tweetdeck, for many timelines of Twitter social media.
Code is just like the bees, you can pollinate here and there!


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