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Discussion on: Brackets or VS code or Atom?

guidovizoso profile image
Guido Vizoso

Hi! I used the three of them and I'll post my conclusions.

Brackets: The company I worked for made me use it. It's great if you're making newsletters (because of the tables, tr's and td's) because it has a Live Preview function that highlights in the browser the html tag you're selecting in your code. The auto completion is a little weird sometimes and the project sidebar (the one with the folders and files) is not my favorite. I recommend it mostly for newsletters and that stuff that requires a non-standard html structure.

Atom: I switched from Brackets to Atom and it was a huge improvement. The project sidebar was much better, the auto completion worked flawlessly and the plugins were very helpful. There was a thing that made me change, though. The loading time, both in start up and loading new projects. People have told me that the loading times now are better and the Atom team works to improve it.

Vs Code: It's what I'm using now. So far I love it. It has everything I loved about Atom but with a faster experience and better terminal-grammar plug ins. I could be me, but I feel it like a really well thought modular text editor that interacts with other stuff in a huge ecosystem.

I'm in no way a definitive guide, just wanted to post my experience here. Hope it helps!

zeke profile image
Zeke Hernandez

I have used all three, and share a similar experience. Vs Code has a good set of features and is fast (relatively).

itsjzt profile image
Saurabh Sharma

don't forget about the intelli-sense autocomplete and great debugger