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Accountability Post For April 22, 2024

Screen shot from Tello listing the tasks done for the day

I've decided to make accountability posts for each day so that I can keep up with how much I am doing and so that I can look back on this in the future and feel grateful about where I am at the moment.

So let's take a look at my day :

screenshot from Rize application which tracks productivity throughout the day

Yesterday, I claimed that I would work a 12 hour study day... apparently that was a lie! I woke up late for the day and then went to take a nap after a few hours, but unfortunately, slept through the whole night. I've been working my butt off studying for certs and such , but I did get plenty of things done!

In the morning, I go through the same routine:

  • Give myself 5 minutes to truly wake up and make my bed
  • Say affirmations out loud to help hype myself up and keep positive
  • Visualize or meditate to keep myself from feeling sad ( This will all work out!)
  • Exercise and stretch
  • Reading any trending cybersecurity news and save for sharing later
  • Write at least 3 pages in my journal about whatever is on my mind to clear out floating thoughts

Then I got to work.

Updated resume on USA Jobs

I revamped my resume recently, as the previous iteration of my resume just listed job duties but it didn't convey how those duties contributed to my company's services, so I transferred my new resume bullet points to USA Jobs to apply for federal positions.

While I was on the site, I applied to 3 IT Specialist positions that were direct to hire.

Attack the Easy Apply Jobs

My next move was to make sure that I used Easy Apply on job sites like Indeed, ZipRecruiter, Dice and Indeed. I will say that I haven't had much luck with these sites as I always seem to get emails from recruiting companies I have never heard of, that usually lead to obvious phishing scams. But every once in a while, I will get an answer back and a gatekeeping/phone interview.

I didn't mention LinkedIN as an Easy Apply option because I've received the most automatic rejections from there and I see job postings reposted so many times, it makes me wonder if that particular company is even hiring at all. I've also noticed that there is an incentive for companies to post positions, as there is an automatically checked box at the end that asks you to follow the company page. To me, this seems like a sure way to gather numbers for clout.

Newer, More Helpful Job Sites

Next, I used newer job aggregation sites like True Up and Earn Better. Out of these two, Earn Better is the winner when it comes to finding potential jobs in all areas of life. I use Earn Better to to make sure I don't miss any potential opportunities since it sources job postings from all the popular sites and more.

Unfortunately, Dice bore no fruit as their site would not load, so I tossed it to the wind and said I would come back another day.

Job Applications For The Day: 34
Goal: 40

I almost made it, but I am still satisfied with what I came out with by the end of my workday. I did use the 24 hour filter, as in my experience , there's more of a chance for your application to be seen if you apply with the first 24 hours. I did not solely choose remote positions either.

Tomorrow, I will go through customer service position jobs and apply so I can cast a wider net.

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