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Johnny Boy
Johnny Boy

Posted on

Improve your productivity with VS Code


  • GitLens
    • It helps you understand a little more the piece of code you are seeing by providing you with some quick overview on who and when was updated the current line of code.
  • Code Spell Checker
    • I use a lot this extension. I have never learnt how words are written =). And having this extension has helped me to avoid some typos on naming things. Although we know this is the hardest part of being a software engineer.
  • Prettier
    • Another essential tool. To have all nice and tidy after you save your file. This tool will auto format your files.
  • Indent Rainbow
    • Cool tool to see the current scope of some functions. Useful if you do not want to search with your eyes what's the scope of this function???
  • Turbo Console Log
    • We never console.log our code I know. Just try this in case you need to save some time.
  • Live Server
    • Great tool that allows you to start local dev server.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Shortcut Action
Cmd + B Hide or Show side panel.
Cmd + D Select next occurrence of current selection.
Cmd + E Highlights all occurrences of current selection.
Cmd + F Search in current file.
Cmd + P Go to File...
Cmd + M Minimize VS Code editor.
Cmd + N Create new file.
Cmd + S Save current changes.
Cmd + W Close current tab.
Cmd + 2 Open second split panel.
Cmd + Shift + L Select all occurrences of current selection.
Cmd + Shift + F Search: Find in files.
Cmd + Shift + K Delete current line.
Cmd + Shift + P Open Command palette. Here you can check all the commands that you have available.
Cmd + F2 Change all occurrences of the current selection.
Cmd + Option + arrows (up or down) Add cursor to next or previous line.
Cmd + Option + arrows (left or right) Move to next tab.
Cmd + arrows (left or right) Go to the end or the beginning of the current line.
Option + arrows (left or right) Move to next line token (spaces or dots).
Option + arrows (up or down) Move swap lines with the next in the arrow direction.
Option + Shift + arrows (up or down) Copy current line up or down.
Option + Shift + F Format current document.
Esc Remove current selection or action.
Cmd + K (release Cmd) + C Compare current changes with previous changes.
Shift + `(backtick) Open the terminal in your VS Code.

Custom settings.json

  • Customize your workspace with a color header:
  "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
    "titleBar.activeBackground": "#8bbff3",
    "titleBar.activeForeground": "#333333",
    "titleBar.inactiveForeground": "#EEEEEE"
  • Format on save:
    "editor.formatOnSave": true,

Extra Info

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