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Discussion on: ReduxJS in 30 seconds

gregorgonzalez profile image
Gregor Gonzalez

I'm learning react and everyone talks about redux, but I still don't get it. It's like the model in MVC? Works with databases? It's just to manage objects data? Now I'm searching for real life examples but I don't understand the purpose

ross profile image
Ross Creighton

I wrote an article that attempts to answer this question.

whozzawuzza profile image

It's not so much a "model" as a paradigm for data flow in your application.

Think of how data and actions occur in your application: A user clicks on a button, say to increase a quantity in a shopping cart. With redux, you have a single source of data for your application (the "store" mentioned in the post). When the user clicks the button, it triggers an action (for example {"INCREASE_QTY", value:1}). The reducer catches that action and its value and modifies the overall state of data in your application. Your application - say, a React component, now receives updated data down from the store and modifies its display state.

Data flows one direction in your application, rather than climbing back up the tree. Overall, I find, it creates less headaches.

Here's an image of what I'm trying to get at:

gregorgonzalez profile image
Gregor Gonzalez

ohh thanks! That's explain what I need and the image describes the point perfectly. I'm sure that I need more practice to realize redux potential.

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whozzawuzza profile image

Np. It takes a minute to wrap your head around when it’s new, but once you get it, it’s incredible! All the best on your learning!