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Discussion on: Mobx Server Side Rendering with Next.js

greggcbs profile image

1 . That is a good idea but then at some point its not clear what is available in the root context and what is not. But thats development.

2 . I am not doing testing so i didnt think of that, good point. To clarify this unnecesarry rerender discussion, I see you have done storeContext different to another example I was looking at and I got the two mixed up. To clarify your code anyways, does useContext know that you are passing an existing context in?

How much execution happens when this is run:

export function useRootStore() {
  const context = useContext(StoreContext);
  if (context === undefined) {
    throw new Error("useRootStore must be used within RootStoreProvider");

  return context;
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^ because from what I have seen, this function will run everytime a change happens in a component, if the component is wrapped with mobx observable. And if useContext does some processing when it is invoked then i am worried about this extra processing.

3 . I was not saying mobx causes both renders, i was saying that they happen anyways. Hydration happens anyways.

So if I do this, it has the same effect as what you were doing:

export async function getStaticProps(res) {
    return {
        props: {
            company: data[0].data,
            listingsByCategory: data[1].data.categories
        revalidate: 300,

export default function Company({company, listingsByCategory}) {

    return (
            <SomeComponentsThatUseTheStoreInternally />
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ivandotv profile image
Ivan V. • Edited
  1. useRootStore hook is just a way to get to the root store without explicitly declaring the store inside the component, it's just getting back the value that is stored in context, and if there is no context above, it throws.

3.Yes exactly :) You just need to guard against calling the hydration more than once, currently if will hydrate every time the Company component is rendered.