Today I will be walking through the Reverse Integer Leetcode coding challenge.
Given a 32-bit signed integer, reverse digits of an integer.
Assume we are dealing with an environment that could only store integers within the 32-bit signed integer range: [−231, 231 − 1]. For the purpose of this problem, assume that your function returns 0 when the reversed integer overflows.
const reverseInteger = num => {
Example 1
Input: x = -4253
Output: -3524
Example 2
Input: x = 721
Output: 127
Let's Play
Step 1
There were 2 exponent expressions that I evaluated first. 1 - (-2 ^ 31) and 2 - (2 ^ 31 - 1). I used the Math module to handle those exponent expressions.
let startPoint = Math.pow(-2, 31)
let endPoint = (Math.pow(-2, 31) - 1)
Step 2
I converted the passed in number into a sting using the toString() method.
let numToString = num.toString()
Step 3
Split the string, reversed it, and then joined it back together.
let numSplitReversedJoined = numToString.split('').reverse().join('')
Step 4
Check if there is a hyphen at the beginning of the string, split the string, then use the shift method to remove and return the hyphen. Otherwise, we do nothing.
let hyphen = numToString.includes('-') ? numToString.split('').shift() : null
Step 5
If there is a hyphen, concatenate it to the numToString then parsing it back into a number
let numValueWithHyphen = parseInt(hyphen + (numSplitReversedJoined))
let numValueWOHyphen = parseInt(numSplitReversedJoined)
Step 6
Return either the number if it has a hyphen, or the number without it.
let numValue = hyphen !== null ? numValueWithHyphen : numValueWOHyphen
Step 7
Lastly, check if the number reversed is within range of the startPoint and endPoint that we defined in the beginning. If it's out of range I return 0, otherwise I return the number.
if (numValue <= startPoint || numValue >= endPoint || numValue === 0) {
return 0
return xValue
All together
const reverseInteger = num => {
let startPoint = Math.pow(-2, 31)
let endPoint = (Math.pow(-2, 31) - 1)
let numToString = num.toString()
let numSplitReversedJoined = numToString.split('').reverse().join('')
let hyphen = numToString.includes('-') ? numToString.split('').shift() : null
let numValueWithHyphen = parseInt(hyphen + (numSplitReversedJoined))
let numValueWOHyphen = parseInt(numSplitReversedJoined)
let numValue = hyphen !== null ? numValueWithHyphen : numValueWOHyphen
if (numValue <= startPoint || numValue >= endPoint || numValue === 0) {
return 0
return numValue
And, there we have it.
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