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Oliver Bennet for GraphPe

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DevOps Fun Facts That Will Make You LOL (or at Least Smirk!) 😂

  1. DevOps: Where Everything is ‘Automated’… Until It’s Not! 🤖💥
    Sure, automation makes life easier—until you forget that one little script, and suddenly everything breaks at 3 a.m.

  2. 99% Uptime? More Like 99% Keeping Fingers Crossed 🤞
    Ever notice that “99% uptime” feels more like 99% praying that nothing crashes right before the weekend?

  3. The Real DevOps Pipeline: Coffee In, Code Out ☕➡️💻
    Let’s be real—coffee is the true CI/CD pipeline. Without it, nothing gets deployed!

Fingers crossed

  1. “It Works on My Machine!” - The DevOps Battle Cry 🛠️🔥
    The number one excuse for every bug ever. Too bad production didn’t get the memo about your machine.

  2. DevOps: Bridging the Gap Between “It Should Work” and “Why Isn’t It Working?” 🌉
    DevOps is like being the peacemaker between developers and operations, only with more firefighting involved. 🧑‍🚒

  3. Automation: Making It Easier to Break Things Faster! 💨💻💣
    Automation’s great until you accidentally automate a mistake across every server in record time. Oops!

  4. Server's Down? Just Turn It Off and On Again… Virtually 🖥️🔄
    The most advanced DevOps solutions are surprisingly similar to what your grandma does with her Wi-Fi router.

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