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Christian Himpe
Christian Himpe

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YAML-based Database Docu

I recently came across the modest yasql standard to document database schemas of SQL databases, which I now use to document my rather involved ArcadeDB schema. My favorite yasql features are:

  • Very readable,
  • Rich metadata fields,
  • A definitions object for custom "macros".

Here is a small example of a yasql docu:

  name: "My DB"
  source: "PostgreSQL"
  project: "My Project"
  version: 1.0
  license: "CC-BY"
    - "Me"

  tiny: 255

    myCol: "VARCHAR(tiny)"
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Generally, NoSQL databases do not use tables to organize data. For example, ArcadeDB - a multi-model DBMS - provides a document model and a graph model. Hence, instead of a tables object, I use documents, vertexes, and edges objects:

    myStr: "STRING (mandatory, notnull, readonly)"

    myNum: "LONG (default 0)"

    myLst: "LIST (max 255)"
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There are (open) alternatives available which provide the benefit of visualization as entity-relationship diagram. So why not use ...

  • ... DBML ? Because:
    • Column settings have to be from a very limited vocabulary.
    • C-Style comments // and /* */.
    • Insufficients metadata fields (in the project object).
  • ... D2 sql_table ? Because:
    • Every table needs a shape: sql_table, meaning a column cannot be named shape?
    • The constraint keyword is superfluous since a constraint is already delimited by curly braces { }.
    • No metadata fields.


You can visualize a yasql-file using PlantUML, which provides a YAML renderer. For instance, you can find the rendering of the yasql sample here

Practically, I embed a plantuml verbatim block wrapping the yasql YAML, in a Markdown document:


# your yasql goes here ...

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This way, using the VScode PlantUML Plugin I can get live visualizations of my schema.

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