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Discussion on: Can you solve this interview problem?

grahamthedev profile image
GrahamTheDev • Edited

Haha now this would make it more interesting as remote interview technique, you can only proceed to the next step if you can decode the link.

You could also make it time sensitive so if they take too long to complete the task the link expires!

Still hate questions like this (yet again, not a stab at you, just our industry), but that line of thinking, a "follow the breadcrumbs" type of coding interview, that is an awesome and fun idea 🤣

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nombrekeff profile image

That's really cool, gamifing it and making it somewhat of a puzzle. I guess the complexity would increment as you solved more steps right?

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nombrekeff profile image

Yup, that's quite cool actually, making the process a bit more fun.

0shuvo0 profile image
Shuvo • Edited

Yes, there also as time limit of link

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0shuvo0 profile image

maybe if we prove P = NP the way they Interview people will also change 😅

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moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

You're saying it would be a valid question as part of a trail of clues?
I've always liked those provided they have any logical reasoning behind them. But this one doesn't, this one has two options:

  1. it gives you the steps they took toobfuscate their string and you have to reverse that, and maybe throw some permutations in there until you get the right answer, and hope that there isn't more than one answer that is a valid URL.
  2. it gives you the string and says "get on with it"

1 is an exercise demonstrating you can do a few different tasks, laid out more like chores, and 2 could be absolutely anything and is a game of nonsense rather than any kind of logical or lateral thinking.