DEV Community

Discussion on: Headless-UI "Fully Accessible" - it's not your fault you believe the 💩 BS 💩 [accessibility rants]

grahamthedev profile image

Yeah sorry to the 55 people who saw this yesterday before it was ready, that damned publish button is too easy to press! 🤦‍♂️

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this latest instalment in my angry rants, be sure to give it some ❤🦄 and leave a comment as I am a narcissist and it helps feed my problem! 😋🤣

Being serious for a second, if you have any questions on any of the points raised (as a rant doesn't always cover things in a very understandable way) let me know, I am happy to help.

ekafyi profile image

Speaking of "angry rants", would be fun if you made a video channel with that "angry" persona. Think Gordon Ramsey / Hells Kitchen but for web a11y.

grahamthedev profile image

Sadly I can’t pull it off, I am not intimidating enough!

It is the beauty of the written word, you can imagine me as some buff bearded dude who would make great angry rant content....instead of a chubby middle aged guy! 😜🤣

With that being said if I can find the right person...nah you profile pic tells me you are too nice also! 😜🤣

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raibtoffoletto profile image
Raí B. Toffoletto

Just write the scripts and call David Mitchell to delivery 😉

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grahamthedev profile image

Oh yes, David Mitchell's sarcastic angry humour would be absolutely perfect, he rants so naturally!

Life goal updated now, get David Mitchell to voice my angry rants!