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Georgi Parlakov
Georgi Parlakov

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How to read Azure Dev Ops logs from Node.js using REST API

Step by step guide

Getting some logs can't be that hard, can it? I can surely do that in a few lines of code!

Well, that's what I though... initially. It turns out it's more than just calling a GET endpoint.

Some of it is that the response from the logs endpoint is actually a zip file. And inside that there are multiple file entries - one for each pipeline task. Plus there's the authorization part. So...

This article will take you step by step from a blank file to having the logs from your Azure Dev Ops Release pipeline. As you may know they are available online, but to get to them there are a couple of steps/clicks one must go through. You may want to get the logs and process them programmatically. For example I had to check if a particular string is part of the Release pipeline logs.


What we'll do

  • Start with a blank node.js project and include dependencies - axios and yauzl.
  • Get a personal access token(PAT) from Azure Dev Ops and store it in an environment variable. Use that for authorization.
  • Get the zipped logs via the Azure Dev Ops REST API.
  • Unzip in memory and read the text contents.
  • We'll read logs out of a Release Pipeline run, but at the end there is a section on how to convert the script and read a Build Pipeline script.

If you only want the finished script here's the gist for reading logs from a Release Pipeline and Build Pipeline. I've left reminders // TODO Replace with your own for the variables.

My setup

I'll be using ts-node because I prefer typescript safety and don't want to have to deal with the transpilation step. So instead of node index.js I'll do ts-node index.ts. The script should work as plain js, after the types are removed if you so prefer.

My shell is bash running inside Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

1. Start

In a folder azdo-logs initialize a node package:

mkdir azdo-logs
cd azdo-logs
npm init -y

Expect to see an output similar to:
Alt Text

Create index.ts file and include these lines:

/// <reference types="node" />

const accessToken = process.env.AZURE_ACCESS_TOKEN;

if (accessToken == null || accessToken === '') {
  throw new Error('Please provide an access token');
} else {
  console.log('token is present!');

We'd like to be sure the token is there, safely hidden in your private environment variable and NOT checked in with the code!

The reference on top gives us access to the nodejs types. You might need to install them as a dev dependency:

npm i @types/node -D

2. Add dependencies

Globally install ts-node and typescript to execute our script.

npm i -g ts-node typescript

Install axios and yauzl in our package. The flag -s will save them to our package.json. And @types/yauzl will give us typing, adding it to devDependencies with the -D flag

npm i axios yauzl -s
npm i @types/yauzl -D

Alt Text

This is how package.json looks like now:

  "name": "azdo-logs",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "description": "",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
  "keywords": [],
  "author": "",
  "license": "ISC",
  "dependencies": {
    "axios": "^0.19.2",
    "yauzl": "^2.10.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@types/yauzl": "^2.9.1"

3. Get Azure Dev Ops token

It can be acquired via the profile menu

  • open personal access tokens page Alt Text
  • create a new access token with Release Read permission Alt Text
  • store it because you will not be able to see it anymore(you'll be able to recreate it if you lose it) Alt Text

Finally place that in an environment variable on you local machine or in safe storage (e.g. secret environment variable)

export AZURE_ACCESS_TOKEN = "token-placeholder-not-actual-thing"; # replace token-placeholder-not-actual-thing with your token

or Windows command line

set AZURE_ACCESS_TOKEN="token-placeholder-not-actual-thing";

I've added this line to my .bashrc file so the PAT is available on bash start and I don't have to remember to export it every time I start a terminal.
Alt Text
On Windows you can add it to your Environment Variables. Keep in mind you'll need to restart your session (logout/login) for the env variables to take effect.

Now run ts-node index.ts and you should see
Alt Text
For more details on how to get personal access token see this link.

Ok - we now have the token and dependencies!

4. Get the Azure Dev Ops Organization and Project

To get the logs, we'll need the organization and project names as well as the release id we'd like to read the logs of. The latter would increment for each subsequent run - release 1, 2, 3 so we'd need to provide it per call. For this example, I'll target the release pipeline for a package I maintain.

The project name and organization we can get from the Azure Dev Ops UI:
Alt Text

In my case, it's organization 'gparlakov' and project 'Scuri'. Add those lines in index.ts and replace with your org and project names:

const project = 'Scuri';
const organization = 'gparlakov';

5. Authenticate

To get authorization for the API endpoint using a personal access token (PAT) we need to send a header with the token encoded in base64 format adhering to a specific contract. Add the following at the and of index.ts:

const headers = {
  Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(`PAT:${this.token}`).toString('base64')}`,
  'X-TFS-FedAuthRedirect': 'Suppress', // we can't handle auth redirect so - suppress

export const axiosInstance = axios.create({
  baseURL: `${organization}/${project}/_apis/`,
  headers: headers,

We need to import the axios module, at the top of index.ts

import axios from 'axios';

6. Get the logs for your release

For this example, I'll use an actual release with the id of 58 (replace with your own). Appending to index.ts:

const releaseId = 58;
  .get(`release/releases/${releaseId}/logs`, {
    responseType: 'stream',
  .then((logs) => {
    if (logs.status != 200) {
      throw new Error('logs missing');
    console.log('Received bytes:',;

Running ts-node index.ts should yield something similar to:

Alt Text

That proves we are authorized to use this REST API endpoint!

7. Unzip the logs

Delete or comment out the console.log line - we'll not need it for now and change the axiosInstance call so it looks like this:

  .get(`release/releases/${releaseId}/logs`, {
    responseType: 'stream',
  .then((logs) => {
    if (logs.status != 200) {
      throw new Error('logs missing');
    return readLogs(;
  .then(({ logs }) => {

and finally the readLogs function:

function readLogs
  zipBuffer: NodeJS.ReadableStream
): Promise<{ logs: string; skippedFor: Error[] }> {
  // we'll reject the promise when we can't read anything from the zip
  // and resolve it when we could read (some) plus add the errors for the skipped parts
  // in the end we'd like to say - yes the logs contain the Proof OR no the logs do not contain the proof but there were skipped parts
  return new Promise((res, rej) => {
    const es: Error[] = [];
    const zipChunks: any[] = [];

    zipBuffer.on('data', (d) => zipChunks.push(d));
    zipBuffer.on('end', () => {
      yauzl.fromBuffer(Buffer.concat(zipChunks), { lazyEntries: true }, function (err, zipfile) {
        // can not even open the archive just reject the promise
        if (err) {
        if (zipfile != null) {
          const chunks: any[] = [];

          zipfile.on('entry', function (entry) {
            if (/\/$/.test(entry.fileName)) {
              // Directory file names end with '/'.
              // Note that entries for directories themselves are optional.
              // An entry's fileName implicitly requires its parent directories to exist.
            } else {
              // file entry
              zipfile.openReadStream(entry, function (err, readStream) {
                if (err) {
                  // skip this one - could not read it from zip
                if (readStream == null) {
                  // just skip - could not get a read stream from it
                    new Error(
                      'Could not create a readable stream for the log ' + (entry || {}).fileName ||
                        '<missing file name>'
                } else {
                  readStream.on('data', (c) => chunks.push(c));
                  readStream.on('error', (e) => {
                    // skip this one - could not read it from zip
                  readStream.on('end', function () {

          zipfile.once('end', function () {
            res({ logs: Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8'), skippedFor: es });

        } else {
          // can't read the archive - reject the promise
          rej(new Error('Could not read the zipfile contents'));

There seems to be a lot going on here. It boils down to working with 3 streams.

  • First, we read the zipFile push into the zipChunks and concat those into a Buffer.
  • Then, use that Buffer in the yauzl.fromBuffer() call which returns an object that has a readEntry() method. I think of it as a next, because it reads the next entry in the archive.
  • We get a readStream for each zip file entry. That is a ReadableStream that we push into the chunks.
  • Finally, we concat all files' chunks into a buffer and read a string out of it:


We now have a string variable containing all our logs!

Here's a gist of the final index.ts. I've left reminders // TODO Replace with your own for the variables.

Reading a build pipeline logs

To read the logs from a build pipeline, we would need to

  1. Add the "Build: Read" permission to our token or issue a new one with that permission: Alt Text
  2. Change a bit (just remove one piece) the auth logic:
   const headers = {
     Authorization: `Basic ${Buffer.from(`:${this.token}`).toString('base64')}`,
     'X-TFS-FedAuthRedirect': 'Suppress', // we can't handle auth redirect so - suppress
  1. Change the base URL:
   export const axiosInstance = axios.create({
     baseURL: `${organization}/${project}/_apis/`,
     headers: headers,
  1. Change the endpoint address and provide a build number (in my case I'll use this build)
   const buildId = 200;
   axiosInstance.get(`build/builds/${buildId}/logs`, {
     responseType: 'stream',
     headers: {
       accept: 'application/zip',

Here's the final script.

Memory consumption note

This whole approach keeps a few buffers in memory, basically copying the zip file a few times* in memory. Considering that we are reading pipeline logs, this should not be a problem. I expect they won't be too large. If that's a problem for you, store the archive locally (though that may be a security consern as Samuel Attard @marshallofsound pointed out) and then use the other method of yauzl''))'', { lazyEntries: true }, function(err, zipfile) {
    //... same code from here on down

*the response stream, the chunks, the buffer, the zip content chunks, their buffer and finally the string - for a 50k log we end up using 250k RAM.


  • Restful API docs - really helpful
  • nodejs client for the API (but its around 116k minified+GZipped! according to bundlephobia ~830k worth of script for your runtime to parse - for each request)
  • Docs for axios
  • Docs for yauzl

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