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Discussion on: In defense of the modern web

gotofritz profile image

We need to have a similar approach in client side frameworks.

No we don't... if the The One True Omniscient God Framework approach that Rails developers are constantly pining for was really the best one, then Rails would be ruling. It isn't; it peaked in 2012 or thereabouts, knocked off its perch by Node, among other technologies. It's a single point of failure and it cannot adapt quickly enough to the bewilderingly fast changing environment in which we operate.

Alternatively, you can pick one of the two frameworks that follow the model you advocate: Ember (actually inspired by Rails) or Angular (more of a C# flavour), both of which strive to be a nanny that remove as much as possible the need to (god forbid!) make your own decisions or (the horror!) having to learn new tools

If I could have the framework of my dreams ... It would allow me to focus on HTML with a sprinkle of JavaScript.

You may want to consider, which comes from the Rails universe (it was created by no other than David Heinemeier Hansson, the Rails Superstar) and does exactly what you want

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loilo profile image
Florian Reuschel

Can confirm that the Stimulus framework works great for that exact use case. But if you're used to the more common frameworks, you might quickly miss the declarative "give me data, I give you DOM" approach they provide.

I haven't tried it myself yet, but Alpine.js gained some steam lately and might be a good middle ground between Stimulus and the "top dogs".