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a.Programming Language used to create logstash

Logstash, an open-source server-side data processing pipeline, is primarily written in the Ruby programming language. Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented programming language known for its simplicity and readability. Logstash uses a plugin-based architecture, and these plugins, which provide various input, filter, and output capabilities, can also be written in Ruby. The combination of Ruby and the plugin system allows Logstash to be highly extensible and customizable for different data processing needs.

b.Parent Company of that tool

Logstash is part of the Elastic Stack, which is a collection of open-source software tools for searching, analyzing, and visualizing data in real-time. The parent company behind the Elastic Stack, including Logstash, is Elastic NV (formerly known as Elasticsearch BV). Elastic NV is the company responsible for developing and maintaining the Elastic Stack. It was founded by Shay Banon, the creator of Elasticsearch, which is a key component of the Elastic Stack. The Elastic Stack includes Elasticsearch for search and analytics, Logstash for data processing, and Kibana for data visualization and exploration.

c.Purpose of logstash

Logstash serves as a robust, open-source data processing pipeline, consolidating log and time-series data from varied sources. Its versatile plugin architecture enables data ingestion, transformation, and enrichment. Logstash filters parse and format data, facilitating seamless integration with storage systems like Elasticsearch. With real-time processing capabilities, it supports proactive monitoring and troubleshooting. As an integral part of the Elastic Stack, Logstash empowers organizations to centrally manage, analyze, and visualize diverse data types, delivering insights into system performance, security, and operational efficiency across distributed environments.

Functionality of logstash

Logstash functions as a versatile data processing pipeline, ingesting data from diverse sources, applying filters for parsing and formatting, and enriching information. Its modular architecture supports seamless integration with various systems through input and output plugins. Logstash enables centralized log management, real-time data processing, and scalability for handling large datasets. With a focus on flexibility, it transforms unstructured data into a structured format, aiding in analysis. As a core component of the Elastic Stack, Logstash contributes to comprehensive data management, facilitating insights, monitoring, and visualization across applications, systems, and distributed environments.

d.Logo of that tool

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e.Whether logstash is open source or paid one

Logstash is an open-source tool and is available under the Apache 2.0 open-source license. This means that it is free to use, modify, and distribute according to the terms of the open-source license. Users can download, deploy, and customize Logstash without incurring any licensing fees. Additionally, Logstash is a part of the Elastic Stack, which includes Elasticsearch and Kibana, forming a powerful open-source ecosystem for log management, search, and visualization. While the core components are open source, Elastic, the company behind the Elastic Stack, offers commercial subscriptions that include additional features, support, and services.

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