DEV Community

Discussion on: Community Discussion Thread — DigitalOcean App Platform Hackathon on DEV

gonzalojs profile image
Gonzalo Gutiérrez • Edited

I have a question:
To make every post part of a series, the hint was

"use series: [“series name”] in the markdown heading of all your App Platform Hackathon posts to link all content in a series"

I've never made a post on before, so the heading is referring just to a normal markdown heading?

like this?:

series: ["series name"]

or is it something else?


monjon profile image

Hi, I have the same question, I couldn't find any answer yet. I guess we can name the series whatever we want and stick with it until the hackathon ends.

gonzalojs profile image
Gonzalo Gutiérrez

in the "Basic Markdown" version of the post, it's super easy. There's a header between dash lines, just put the series there.

I still can't figure out how to do it on rich + markdown

simkimsia profile image

Yea, I faced the same issue.

The answer is

series: Your series name
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And put this at the very top.

simkimsia profile image

Yea, I faced the same issue.

The answer is

series: Your series name
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

And put this at the very top.

I wrote about this silly documentation as well in my first #dohackathon post of the series