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JavaScript async and await in loops

Basic async and await is simple.

Things get a bit more complicated when you try to use await in loops.

Let's discuss further about in this article.


I’m going to assume you know how to use async and await. If you don’t, you can check it out here

Await in a for loop

for (let index = 0; index < iterable.length; index++) {
  const value = await remoteApiCall();
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for await (const variable of iterable) {
  const value = await remoteApiCall();
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When you use await, you expect JavaScript to pause execution until the awaited promise gets resolved. This means awaits in a for-loop gets executed in series.

Same behaviour with while & for-of loops, i.e. all awaits gets executed in series one after another.

Loops that require a callback

await won’t work with loops that require a callback. Examples of such loops that require a callback i.e.

  • forEach
  • map
  • filter
  • reduce

Using await in loops with a callback

const promises =
const values = await Promise.all(promises) // using promise.all is key
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The console logs are printed in order.


  • await doesn't work with loop in callback in serial fashion.
  • The solution is to use await Promise.all(...) where you pass all the promises

Top comments (1)

ahmad_butt_faa7e5cc876ea7 profile image

very interesting ! did not know this about Promise.All ... at.all

from MDN:

"Returned values will be in order of the Promises passed, regardless of completion order."