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Gokulakrishnan Shankar
Gokulakrishnan Shankar

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Write custom formulae in Libreoffice Calc with Python


What if you wanted to generate values in Column B using values from Column A (on your Libreoffice spreadsheet), based on some complex logic? For instance, let's say that my Column A contains values in JSON format (why not 😅?) and I want to extract only values of a particular field into Column B.

This can be done in 3 ways:

  • Use existing functions (In this case, that would be REGEX, but what if want more control in deciding the logic?)
  • Write custom functions
    • Define the function in Libreoffice Basic (You can think of Basic as Libreoffice's own programming-suite, but is it really worth learning a new language for such a simple use-case?)
    • Define the function in Python and integrate it with Libreoffice (Yep, this is much more easier)


To use Python functions in Libreoffice, you need to have the python script-provider for Libreoffice installed. To check if your version of Libreoffice already has this feature, go to ToolsMacrosOrganize Macros - you should see the option, Python.

If not, (i.e.), if you only see the option Basic, you will need to install this script provider as follows:

sudo apt install libreoffice-script-provider-python
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You should now be able to see Python alongside Basic under the Organize Macros option.

Let's get to it!

Deciding the type of Macro

Roughly put, a macro is any script that you use for automating tasks (via GUIs, functions, etc.) in Libreoffice. There are 3 types of Macros based on where the scripts reside.

Type Location (Linux) Accessibility
User Macros /home/USER/.config/libreoffice/4/user/Scripts/python Only current user
System Macros /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/Scripts/python/ All users
Document Macros Inside the spreadsheet-file (Yes, you can extract spreadsheet files 🤯) Only this document

For this post, I'm going to choose to create a user macro. If the path for the user script does not exist, you can go ahead and create it with mkdir

Note: To create document macros, some extra steps are needed. Have a look at the "Installing the Libreoffice python script provider" link in the References section.

Writing the Python function

  • Create the file (it can be any name), inside /home/USER/.config/libreoffice/4/user/Scripts/python.
  • Define your function - in this case, I would supply the stringified JSON and the field name as input and return the value of the specified field.
import json

def extract_from_json(stringified_json, key):
    mapping = json.loads(stringified_json)
    return mapping.get(key, "")
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Setting up Libreoffice to use the Python function

Check if your function is visible

  • In Libreoffice Calc, go to ToolsMacrosPython.
  • In the now-opened "Python Macros" window, click on My Macros → [your python script filename]. You should see the list of functions present inside that script.


  • If the options on the right side are greyed-out, don't worry about them. You wouldn't need to use them much anyway.

Setting up a formula to use the function

Remember when we chucked out using Libreoffice Basic to write custom formulae? Turns out we still need to use a small part of it 😅.

  • First we need a name for the formula that we are actually going to use in our spreadsheet (this can be different from our python function name). Let's say I choose the name EXTRACTFROMJSON.
  • The definition for this formula (which will be written in Basic) should
    • Fetch the necessary function from the python script (this in itself will be a separate Basic function - let's call it getPythonScript)
    • Execute the function and return the results
  • Go to ToolsMacrosEdit Macros and paste the below code to fetch the python script.
Option Explicit
Option Compatible

Private scr As Object '

Public Function GetPythonScript(macro As String, _
        Optional location As String) As
    ''' Grab Python script object before execution
    ' Arguments:
    '    macro   : as "library/$macro" or "$macro"
    '    location: as "document", "share", "user" or ENUM(eration)
    ' Result:
    '    located UNO service'''
    If IsMissing(location) Then location = "user"
    Dim mspf As Object '
    Dim sp As Object ' compatible
    Dim uri As String
    If location="document" Then
        sp = ThisComponent.getScriptProvider()
        mspf = CreateUNOService("")
        sp = mspf.createScriptProvider("")
    End If
    uri = ""& macro &"?language=Python&location="& location
    GetPythonScript = sp.getScript(uri)
End Function ' GetPythonScript
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  • Next, we define the actual formula.
Public Function EXTRACTFROMJSON(stringifiedJson As String, key As String) As String
    scr = GetPythonScript("$extract_from_json", "user")
    EXTRACTFROMJSON = scr.invoke(Array(stringifiedJson, key), Array(), Array())
End Function
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  • The first argument to GetPythonScript should be of the form$PythonFunctionName; the second argument is the type of macro ("user" in this case)
  • We use invoke to execute the python function - the first argument of this function is an array of arguments to be passed to our actual python function.
  • Finally, according to the rules of Libreoffice Basic, for a formula to return a value, the syntax is to be specified as FORMULANAME = ReturnValue

Calling the function from the spreadsheet

This is a simple as doing =EXTRACTFROMJSON(A2, "type")



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