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Konkwo Godwin
Konkwo Godwin

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Creating a Virtual Machine; step by step guide

The required quick and simple steps to create a Virtual Machine are outlined below.
Note that a virtual machine is emulation of a physical computer made possible by virtualization ( hypervisors).In Azure a virtual machine is an instance of Azure Compute Service. A virtual machine can be created to run on different operating systems and configurations.

Step 1: sign up/login to Azure

Sign up for an azure account and login to Azure Portal

Step 2: Create a new virtual machine

[A] Here virtual machine is selected in a variety of ways; one can click on virtual machine on the home page or type in virtual machine on search box or click on ' create a resource' button on portal menu then click on create on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter which is more specific. Since what is being created is a Windows Virtual Machine the basics tabs (Basics, Disk, Management, Advanced, Tags, Review + Create) are completed thus.
Choose subscription then create a resource group followed after this stage give the virtual machine a specific name, select a region and availability zone from the drop down menu.


Step 3: Choose virtual machine size

From the size options, select the required size based on compute demand such as CPU power and RAM required.


Step 4: Create username and password

Create a username and password under the administrator account section, both will be used to login to the virtual machine.


Step 5:Allow inbound ports

Under inbound ports rules allow the default http(80), https (443) and RDP(3389).

Since the wizard tabs are completed, validate the virtual machine provisioning by clicking on Review + Create . After the validation is successful , click on "create" to deploy the virtual machine.
After the deployment is successfully completed, a virtual machine has been created.


To connect to the virtual machine, click on Go to resource, next click on connect option on the overview page of virtual machine.
Download the RDP

Next, open the downloaded RDP file and click on connect when

Input the credentials that were created under administrator account section

Great, the created virtual machine has been connected to.


Now this virtual machine can be used as a computational resource.

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Yemisi Oyesainu
