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Gobinath Mallaiyan
Gobinath Mallaiyan

Posted on • Originally published at Medium on

Effective Comments in React.js Code for PHP/Drupal Developers

React.js is an incredibly powerful JavaScript library that has gained immense popularity for its ability to build dynamic and interactive user interfaces. It is widely used for developing robust and efficient single-page applications as a PHP or Drupal developer. Venturing into React, it becomes paramount to possess a deep understanding of how to write comprehensible and compelling comments. These comments contribute to the codebase's maintainability and promote effective collaboration within the development team.

When it comes to commenting in React.js, developers have various options at their disposal. Function comments play a crucial role in explaining a particular function's purpose, expected inputs, and return values. By providing insightful comments, developers can ensure their operations are self-explanatory and produce more readable and understandable code. These comments can also serve as a helpful guide for future developers who might need to work on the codebase.

In addition to function comments, file comments are equally crucial in React.js development. These comments provide an overview of the entire file, highlighting its purpose, dependencies, and other relevant information. By including well-written file comments, developers can provide context and guidance to their colleagues, making it easier for them to understand the purpose and structure of the file.

It is worth noting that while comments are highly beneficial in enhancing code clarity, they should only be used when necessary. Comments should focus on explaining the why rather than the what, as the code should be self-explanatory. Moreover, comments should be written concisely and precisely, avoiding unnecessary verbosity.

Regular Comments Styles

  • Single-line Comments are helpful for brief explanations within the code.
    // This is a single-line comment
    const variable = 'value';
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  • Multi-line Comments are suitable for providing more extensive explanations
      This is a multi-line comment.
      It can span multiple lines to provide detailed information.
    const anotherVariable = 'another value';
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  • Use TODO Comments to highlight areas that need special attention (or) future improvements (or) marking a pending task.

    // TODO: Implement error handling for edge cases
    const getData = () => {
      // Implementation details...
  • Commenting Out Code when temporarily disabling code that’s not in use. Use comments to explain the reason.

   // The following line is commented out for debugging purposes
    // someFunctionToDebug();
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  • Divider Comments can help separate sections of your code for better organization. This is done differently by different developers, as there is no specific standard.

```// ======= Helper Functions =======
const helperFunction1 = () => {
// Implementation details...

// ======= Main Logic =======
const mainFunction = () => {
  // Implementation details...
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By incorporating these regular comment styles, you enhance the overall clarity of your React.js code, making it easier to understand for both yourself and your team.

Function Comments

  • When writing comments for a function with no arguments, it’s essential to describe the purpose of the function and any expected output.

    // Retrives User details and Display
    const getAndDisplayUserDetails = () => {
    // Implementation details...

  • For functions with arguments, include comments for each parameter, specifying their purpose and expected types.

     * Renders a user profile card
     * @param {string} username - The username of the user
     * @param {string} displayname - The displayname of the user
     * @param {number} age - The age of the user
    const displayUserProfile = (username, displayname, age) => {
      // Implementation details...
  • When a function has default arguments, comment on the defaults and their impact.

     * Displays a welcome text message
     * @param {string} name - The name to welcome
     * @param {string} message - The message (default: 'Hello')
    const welcomeUser = (name, message = 'Hello') => {
      // Implementation details...

For functions with a mix of arguments and default arguments, comment on each parameter’s role.

 * Calculates the total cost
 * @param {number} quantity - The quantity of items
 * @param {number} price - The price per item
 * @param {number} discount - The discount percentage (default: 0)
const calculateCost = (quantity, price, discount = 0) => {
  // Implementation details...
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File Comments

  • General File Comments: Provide an overview of the file’s purpose and significant functionalities at the top of the file.

      File: User.js
      Description: This file contains components & functions related to users.
  • Import Comments: when importing external modules (or) components, briefly comment on their role in the file context.

    import React from 'react'; // Import the React library
    import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; // Import PropTypes for type checking

  • Component Comments: Explain their role and any prop types.

     * UserCard Component
     * Displays user information in a card format.
    const UserCard = ({ user }) => {
      // Implementation details...
    UserCard.propTypes = {
      user: PropTypes.object.isRequired,

Additional Resources

Remember that clear and concise comments are invaluable for understanding code, especially when transitioning between PHP/Drupal and React.js development. By wholeheartedly embracing these commenting practices, you truly enhance the maintainability and readability of your React.js projects. So, let your passion drive you and make your code speak volumes through thoughtful and expressive comments!

To conclude, precise and effective commenting in React.js is crucial to code maintainability and team collaboration. By utilizing various commenting techniques, such as function and file comments, developers can ensure that their codebase remains understandable and approachable even as it grows in complexity. By investing time and effort into writing thoughtful comments, developers can contribute to the success of their React.js projects and foster a collaborative development environment.

Originally published at on September 5, 2021.

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