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Gishan Chaminga Abeysinghe
Gishan Chaminga Abeysinghe

Posted on

Learning .NET

Here are my learnings of .Net,

I got the chance to work in a C# project and I had to learn things from the beginning.

first I installed the .Net sdk, to check the version you can use following command in the terminal

dotnet --version

I used docker to install the sqlserver

docker run -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -e SA_PASSWORD=YourStrong@Passw0rd -p 1433:1433 --name sql1 -d

then I had to migrate the database. for that we need a dotnet tool called dotnet-ef, we have to install it first

dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

you can get more idea about the dotnet-ef by using --help as follows

dotnet ef --help

to do the database migration

dotnet ef database update --project [project-name].Infrastructure --startup-project [project-name]

to run the project

dotnet run --project [project-name]

to run the project with launch profile you can use

dotnet run --project [project-name] --launch-profile https

there are three launch profiles

  1. default
  2. http
  3. https

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