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Lead scoring in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Girikon’s Salesforce Consulting Servicesteam are certified and experienced with both Pardot and Salesforce Marketing Cloud. They have a depth of knowledge about both automated marketing solutions and have many insights to share.

Pardot and Salesforce Marketing Cloud are both marketing automation solutions where Pardot can be seen as a tool, Salesforce Marketing Cloud is seen a comprehensive toolkit for Marketeers. Both Pardot and Salesforce Marketing Cloud both allow for a level of social media sharing through their tool/toolkit and both also grant a user access for building custom email campaigns.

Despite these similarities, Pardot and Salesforce Marketing Cloud have some differences including the Lead Scoring Model. does not include a lead scoring model however Pardot has default scoring functionality and model that allows for various prospect activities to be scored.In this Blog our Salesforce Consultant will endeavor to show a user how to generate lead scoring from Email based on [_Sent], [_Open] & [_Click] Data Views.

Data from [_sent] , [_open] & [_click] by join operation in query to be saved in Data Extension ‘ DE_1’ :

Simple perform a Query and join these data view in a separate Data Extension based on your JobID.

                  from [\_sent] as a full JOIN [\_open] as b on a.[subscriberkey]= b.[subscriberkey] full join [\_click] as c on b.[subscriberkey] = c.[subscriberkey] Where a.[JobId] = < JobID >.

For your reference

: join syntax:\_join.asp.[![Data](](

Create a Data Extension with default score value and save it in Data Extension ‘DE_2’:

Import a file containing subscriber key & Initial Score using Import wizard and save these records in separate Data Extension.

Note: At least match a few SubscriberKey with ‘DE_1’ while creating import file.


Join the two Data (DE_1 & DE_2) Extensions and save it to third Data Extension (DE_3):

Using case Statement in Query increment or decrement your Initial Score and save it in ‘Updated Score’ field in the target Data Extension which I have mentioned below in figure (3.2). Along with join these two Data Extension and save it to the Third Data Extension using Query based on SubscriberKey.

Ex: CASE WHEN a.[< Column name >] IS NOT NULL THEN [Initial Score] + <num>
          ELSE [Initial Score]
          END AS [Updated Score] 
For reference: Case Statement :

Create an Automation and Run the following Activities:


After Running these Activities in Automation your records will be updated in Data Extension with updated score:


The post Girikon’s Salesforce Consultants provide some on their learnings on Lead scoring in Salesforce Marketing Cloud appeared first on Salesforce Consulting Company | United States | Phoenix, Arizona.

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