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Svelte Smooth page transitions

Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀 on November 20, 2020

Demo: I have tried before and failed to make my page transtitions implemented in a way that we don't hav...
bfanger profile image
Bob Fanger

I've created a REPL which shows how to use a crossfade between pages.

Hint: Use the same instance of the crossfade by creating the send and receive in a separate javascript file.

kbuffington profile image

This was exactly the demo I needed, and it easily works to move around multiple UI elements at the same time. So cool!

skwasha profile image
Sascha Linn

I'm not sure in which version it happened... but the segment prop no longer appears to be valid. I've yet to find what the appropriate replacement is.

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀 • Edited

@skwasha I have updated the repo and replaced segment with $page.path and updated also the tutorial to reflect this change. Let me know if this works for you.

cholasimmons profile image
Chola • Edited

Hi @giorgosk, Great tutorial although my page fades are not ideal.

P.S: $page.path seems to have changed to $

skwasha profile image
Sascha Linn • Edited

Hey, that's great! Thanks for the update. Where did you happen to find the location for the page stores? I tried searching and checking old messages on the Discord but never saw any mention of it. Do you know if that's going to be where these "built in" stores will be located moving forward with Svelte Kit?

thanks again.

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giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀

@skwasha I started digging in the sveltekit node_modules/sveltejs/kit/assets/runtime/app/stores.js code looking for $page.path mentioned in the and found it. Perhaps the import import { page } from '@sveltejs/kit/assets/runtime/app/stores.js'; will get more elegant when sveltekit gets released (or I might be missing the correct way to do it) but this will be the way to use it again according to the issue/824.

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sswam profile image
Sam Watkins • Edited

I searched the discord and found the right way to do it:

import { page } from '$app/stores';

Thanks for this article, by the way, it's helping me get off the ground with svelte/kit.

Another idea for a change, you can set the class="current" like this, it's a bit shorter:

<a href="/" class:current={segment==="/"}>Home</a>
<a href="/about" class:current={segment==="/about"}>About</a>

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀 • Edited

Yes there is some talks about removing segment from sapper but nothing has been committed yet. In here you can find the discussion and some alternatives (using $page store)

skwasha profile image
Sascha Linn • Edited

Yes. I saw that discussion as well. I guess my point was that the above code is no longer functional (at least the bits that rely on segment). Somewhere along the way that proposed change seems to have made it into the current sveletkit branch.

Does anyone know where the page store is in the Sveltekit world? Previously, it was in @sapper/app.

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sswam profile image
Sam Watkins

import { page } from '$app/stores';

delanyoyoko profile image
delanyo agbenyo

Great. But currently in sveltekit, you can just use $page.url.pathname to get the current page's path for the key in the PageTransition component. So there should no be any need to export the refrech prop.

cholasimmons profile image

it's now $

mightyphoenix_1 profile image
Rakshit Kumar

Good read!
I think it would have been much better with short video clips of how the transitions are working with the changes.

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀

Sorry I don't understand why would you need a video when there is a live site demo ?

mightyphoenix_1 profile image
Rakshit Kumar

No, I meant the difference in the transitions before and after making changes for improvement.

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giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀 • Edited

Ok I see perhaps I can do it when I get a chance. In the meantime if you need to see the improvements you can toggle the last css changes on and off on your locally installed repo.

glassforms profile image
Robert Stewart

Have you ever tried this approach using a fixed navigation? In all of the demos I've seen, when you click on a link, the site jumps you to the top of the page before transitioning the page out. Do you know why this happens, and how to prevent it?

ptyork profile image
Paul York

Late reply, but I don't think it has anything to do with a fixed nav. I think it's just invoking a transition from a scroll position other than the top of the page. At least I think I eliminated all of the variables and it was still happening. My guess is that the transition code in Svelte simply wasn't intended for content the size of a whole page and does something to trigger the browser to jump. Couldn't find it in their code, but I didn't look too hard. Anyway, the only solution I found was simply to remove the out: transition altogether. Just do an in:fade. Looks okay. Better than the "cut" default.

joshua1 profile image
joshua Oguche

@giorgosk did you manage to figure out how to handle routing from code ? in sapper for example you have the "goto" method for routing. i couldn't find this feature in sveltekit

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀

Sorry not done any further research on it

ladvace profile image

If I try to use PageTransition in the layout instead of the component I get the following error, do you know why?

Error: failed to load module for ssr: /Users/userName/Documents/GitRepos/project/src/lib/components/PageTransitions.svelt

zofiaifoz profile image

Thanks a lot for your great tutorial. In my project I am using Svelte + GSAP and I would also like to use page transitions. I implemented your code, but GSAP animations don't work then. Would you have any advice on how to fix it?

Here is a demo:

Without Page Transitions:

With Page Transitions:

I would appreciate any help. Thank you!

dansvel profile image

dang, this is what i need,,

cool post,, thanks for the idea,,

pavloskl profile image

Great article Giorgos!! Congrats.

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀

Glad you liked it Pavlos, comments are always appreciated !!!

katriellucas profile image

@giorgosk is this possible to do with normal svelte (not kit)? If yes, could give me a tip on how to do it?

giorgosk profile image
Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀

if you have routes just use my <!-- src/routes/$layout.svelte --> if not I do not know how it can be done