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Giorgos Kontopoulos 👀 • Edited

Fear is your biggest enemy, no one knew everything about a subhect when starting out. Realize that you can't learn all of them at once. Try to to understand the big picture first (how everything fits together, which you probably understand already) and then focus on individual parts.

Some said forget tutorials but I like them. I don't just follow any tutorial blindly though. I find ones that feel confortable and does not get me lost. There is probably a tutorial for each level of experience out there (I believe) so I try to find one for my level.

Perhaps do a beginners tutorial even if you don't feel like a beginner it might teach you something that you have overlooked. When things fail I always go back to basics. Can't believe how many times the basics got me stuck ...

IF you can describe and search for that stuck state that you found yourself in you might find someone else was also there and has given a complete explanation of what went wrong and how to fix it ...

Perhaps find a tutorial that gives you the complete code that you can just compile/build and see it working and start playing with it doing small changes to understand it better, than move on to creating it from scratch or bulding something on your own and improve upon it as you seem to complete each step.

If there is official documentation of any of the technologies that you try to understand perhaps it is the best place to start. Official documentations teach you lots of things in a sort time.

Accept the fact that you can't know it all and embrace a learning path to learn a little bit each day or hour and soon you will master what you are trying to learn.