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Gias Uddin
Gias Uddin

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How to create a superuser in PostgreSQL, using Linux

I will show you how to create a database by using a superuser. When we use any type of framework, we need to connect with the database by using a DB name. Table creation, query, and another task can be done by the framework.

Let’s assume you are using Linux Ubuntu and PostgreSQL already install in your can install PostgreSQL using this link.

Start the PostgreSQL server

sudo service postgresql start

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open terminal to enter into PostgreSQL database

sudo su -l postgres
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Now create user gias as a superuser, and assign a password immediately

postgres@gias ~ $
createuser -P -s -e gias
Enter password for new role: xyzzy
Enter it again: xyzzy
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Create a database using this command createdb -O user dbname

createdb -O gias testdb
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enter into your database

psql -d testdb
show all table name
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Done, you can use your database name and username.

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