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How to Get Started with HackTheBox?

Getting Started with HackTheBox

HackTheBox is an online platform providing a plethora of challenges, focused mainly on penetration testing and cybersecurity. In a typical HackTheBox challenge, you're confronted with a vulnerable system, with the objective to exploit it in a controlled environment. It offers not just an opportunity for hands-on learning but also a way to validate your skills in a quasi-real-world scenario.

Preparing Tools and Environment

Before starting on HackTheBox, you should have a basic understanding of networking, programming, and Linux. You should have a virtual machine running Kali Linux with all the tools already included such as Nmap, Burp Suite, and Metasploit.

For those who are just getting started, the HTB Nunchucks Walkthrough offers a rich guide that walks you through an entry-level box. This post lays down the fundamental concepts like network scanning and service enumeration, which will be highly useful for subsequent challenges.

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Choosing Your First Box and Initial Enumeration

HackTheBox offers a range of boxes with varying difficulty levels. As a beginner, you should opt for machines tagged as "easy." During the initial enumeration phase, tools like Nmap are your best friends for scanning open ports and running services on the target machine. Basic file or directory brute-forcing might also be required at this stage.

Among the walkthroughs available, the Hack The Box Flustered machine provides valuable insights into tackling a medium-level box with the focus on web vulnerabilities. The post gives an excellent look into the exploitation techniques required for gaining initial access by bypassing login pages or exploiting web application vulnerabilities.

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Exploitation and Privilege Escalation

Found a vuln? The next step is exploitation. Depending on the type of vulnerability, you'll use tools ranging from Metasploit to manual code injection. Following the successful exploitation, the next challenge is privilege escalation. You have to move from a low-privileged user to root or administrative user.

For those interested in diving deeper into the privilege escalation techniques, the HackTheBox Devzat writeup is a good starting point. This article touches on the nuances of Linux privilege escalation, involving concepts like setuid and cron jobs, which are instrumental in elevating your access permissions.

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Post-Exploitation and Reporting

After successfully rooting a machine, the learning doesn't stop. Now is the time to think critically about the exploited system to understand its weaknesses thoroughly. This includes checking logs, reviewing configurations, and even exploring other potential exploitation paths that you might have initially missed.

For those interested in leveraging VoIP vulnerabilities during post-exploitation, the Beep Walkthrough covers exploiting a box based on VoIP services. The article delves into using specialized tools and scripts for leveraging VoIP-related vulnerabilities, making it a significant resource for those who wish to explore this domain.

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