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Common Game Hacking Questions

Ghidra or IDA Pro, which is best?

When diving into the world of game hacking, the array of tools available can be overwhelming. Two particularly renowned tools in the realm of reverse engineering are IDA Pro and Ghidra. A comprehensive post on Guided Hacking sheds light on the key differences between these platforms. At a high level, IDA Pro has been the industry standard for years, recognized for its extensive features and robustness. On the other hand, Ghidra, a relatively newer entrant, emerged from the National Security Agency and offers many of its capabilities for free. Both possess distinct advantages, and the choice often hinges on the user's specific needs and budget.

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How to Keep Cheats Updated?

One of the inevitable challenges game hackers face is ensuring their cheats remain up-to-date. With frequent game updates and patches, cheats can easily become obsolete. The solution? Signature scanning. In an enlightening article, the technique of signature scanning is elaborated upon. At its core, it involves creating unique patterns (or "signatures") to identify and locate functions or variables within a game's memory, even if there have been slight code changes. When employed correctly, it can extend the lifespan of cheats by making them resilient to minor game updates.

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How to diff game patches?

Even as game hackers are becoming adept at creating cheats, game developers continuously roll out updates, often altering the game's binary in the process. A game hacker must then identify the changes and adjust their hacks accordingly. An intriguing tutorial on IDA Pro Bindiff delves into this exact challenge. Bindiff is a comparison tool for binary files, highlighting the differences between two versions. By leveraging Bindiff in IDA Pro, game hackers can efficiently pinpoint changes and adapt their cheats with precision.

How to Hook Vtables?

As game hacking continues to evolve, so do the techniques involved. Virtual method table (VMT) hooking, also known simply as VTable hooking, stands out as one such advanced method. To provide context, VTables are an integral part of C++ object-oriented programming, where they maintain a list of addresses to virtual functions of a class. In a detailed article about VMT hooking, the mechanics of this technique are unveiled. By intercepting and redirecting function calls via VMT hooking, hackers can gain control over the game's behavior, presenting a myriad of possibilities for cheats and mods.

Concluding Thoughts

Game hacking is undoubtedly an intricate field, requiring a blend of technical knowledge, creativity, and adaptability. By familiarizing oneself with tools like IDA Pro and Ghidra, mastering techniques such as signature scanning and VMT hooking, and staying updated with the latest in the domain, but these frequent challenges keep it interesting which is why it's so popular.

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