DEV Community

Discussion on: 10 Vim Plugins for Writing

ghost profile image
Ghost • Edited

Nice reminder on the awesomeness of Vim, we can forget that is not just for coding, with Pandoc and/or LaTeX you can say goodbye to word processors, I did it and I'm happier because of it. And after you see a document made with LaTeX, everything else looks ugly.

If I may add one, for the RestructuredText crowd, 'gu-fan/riv.vim' has a lot of useful goodies.

And also note that the spellcheck of Vim has gotten much better.

"...the one that should not be named. During the time I used Emacs..." but you named it, 7 words later! and as you may know, just to name it you need 1GB of free space and that's just for the "Ema", the "c" and "s" require extra packages :D

tomfern profile image
Tomas Fernandez

♥️ Nice, thanks for the suggestions. I love trying new plugins.

I gave Emacs a decent try, but I bounced back to Vim. I tried vanilla Emacs, and the Spacemacs and Doom distributions, they are both really good.