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Gervais Yao Amoah
Gervais Yao Amoah

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Introduction to JWT and OAuth 2.0

In today’s world of web development, security is not just a feature—it’s a necessity. Whether you’re building a small app or a large-scale system, understanding how to securely manage authentication and authorization is crucial. That’s where JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and OAuth 2.0 come in.

JWTs are commonly used for securely transmitting information between parties as JSON objects, while OAuth 2.0 is the go-to framework for granting third-party apps limited access to user data without sharing passwords. Together, they form the backbone of modern web security, especially in scenarios involving API access and user authentication.

This post will guide you through the basics and best practices of JWT and OAuth 2.0, showing how they work, when to use them, and why they’re essential for securing your applications.

Understanding JSON Web Tokens (JWT): The Basics

What is a JWT?

A JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe token that allows you to securely transmit information between two parties as a JSON object. It’s made up of three parts: the header, the payload, and the signature, each separated by a dot (.).

  • Header: This part typically contains two elements: the type of the token (JWT) and the algorithm used for signing it (e.g., HS256, RS256).
  "alg": "HS256",
  "typ": "JWT"
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  • Payload: The payload contains the claims, which are statements about an entity (usually the user) and additional data. Claims can be registered (standard claims like sub, iat, etc.), public, or private.
  "sub": "1234567890",
  "name": "John Doe",
  "admin": true
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  • Signature: The signature is created by taking the encoded header, the encoded payload, a secret, and the algorithm specified in the header, then hashing them together. This ensures that the token hasn’t been tampered with.
  base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +
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encoded and decoded jwt

When Should You Use JWT?

JWTs are incredibly versatile, but they shine in certain scenarios:

  • Stateless Authentication: Since JWTs are self-contained, they’re perfect for use in stateless authentication systems. The server doesn’t need to store any session information—just verify the token on each request.
  • Cross-Domain Authentication: JWTs can be used across different domains, making them ideal for Single Sign-On (SSO) systems.
  • Mobile and Single-Page Applications (SPAs): JWTs are well-suited for mobile apps and SPAs, where maintaining sessions can be challenging.

Best Practices for JWT Usage

While JWTs are powerful, they can also be dangerous if not used correctly. Here are some best practices:

  • Use Strong Signing Algorithms: Opt for strong algorithms like RSA 256 or ES 256 to ensure the integrity of your tokens.
  • Keep Tokens Confidential: Never store JWTs in local storage or session storage. Consider more secure storage mechanisms.
  • Set Short Expiration Times: JWTs should have short lifespans to minimize potential risks if they’re compromised.
  • Always Use HTTPS: Never transmit tokens over plain HTTP. Ensure all communications are encrypted.

OAuth 2.0: The Framework Behind API Authentication

What is OAuth 2.0?

OAuth 2.0 is an open standard for access delegation, commonly used to grant websites or applications limited access to a user’s information without exposing the user’s credentials. It’s widely used by companies like Google, Facebook, and GitHub to allow third-party applications to access user data.

How Does OAuth 2.0 Work?

Here’s a simplified breakdown of the OAuth 2.0 flow:

  • User Authorization: The user is prompted to authorize the application to access their resources.
  • Authorization Grant: Once authorized, the application receives an authorization grant (a temporary credential).
  • Access Token: The authorization grant is exchanged for an access token, which the application uses to authenticate API requests.
  • Access Resource: The application can now access the user’s resources using the access token, without needing the user’s credentials.

When to Use OAuth 2.0?

OAuth 2.0 is your go-to solution when you need to allow third-party access to user data, such as:

  • Third-Party API Access: When you need to allow a third-party app to access your user’s data.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): OAuth 2.0 is commonly used for SSO systems, where users can log in to multiple applications using a single set of credentials.
  • Secure API Communication: For microservices and API-driven architectures, OAuth 2.0 ensures that only authenticated services can access certain resources.

OAuth 2.0 Best Practices

Just like JWT, OAuth 2.0 requires careful implementation:

  • Always Use HTTPS: Ensure all communication is secure.
  • Validate Redirect URIs: Only allow legitimate redirect URIs to prevent phishing attacks.
  • Use Short-Lived Tokens: Access tokens should be short-lived to reduce risk.
  • Use Trusted Libraries: Rely on well-established libraries to handle OAuth 2.0 flows securely. Here are some to look for.

JWT vs. OAuth 2.0: Complementary Technologies

It’s easy to think of JWT and OAuth 2.0 as competing technologies, but in reality, they’re complementary. OAuth 2.0 often uses JWT as the format for access tokens, combining the strengths of both.

Here’s a quick comparison:

JWT & OAuth 2.0 comparison table

In practice, you’ll often see OAuth 2.0 using JWT as the format for its tokens, making them integral to each other in secure API communications.


Both JWT and OAuth 2.0 are essential tools in a developer’s toolkit for building secure and scalable web applications. Understanding how they work and implementing them correctly will ensure that your application can handle authentication and authorization securely, without compromising user data.

So, the next time you’re building an application that requires secure authentication, remember to leverage the power of JWT and OAuth 2.0. And as always, keep your security practices up to date to protect your users and their data.

Further Reading

For more information, check out these resources:

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