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Intro to Blockchain: What is a DAPP?

DAPP? A decentralized application. The best way to explain this is in comparison to a WebApp, Web Application. The main key difference between the two is that a DApp talks to the blockchain whereas a WebApp does not.

So what exactly does a DApp do? A DApp provides a nice Frontend User Interface for the Ethereum Smart Contracts. Basically using the blockchain itself as its backend.
What does providing an interface for a smart contract mean? To a person not familiar with blockchain or smart contracts, the code of smart contract might be confusing if not all together terrifying. The frontend interface allows a user to perform the functions stored on the smart contract in a much user friendly manner.
DApp's are really useful to introduce people into blockchain and slowly uncover the fact that the user can skip the DApp and go straight to the contract to perform all the functions.

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