DEV Community

Discussion on: How I manage to make my Storybook project the most efficient possible

georgecoldham profile image

I’m currently working with a system with 30-50 (never counted) components and then more composite components (think confirmation dialogs containing buttons, dialogs, checkboxes).

We have a components repository, each component has a directory with tests the component and a story.

It means we can keep logical separation of our stories and scope the file we are looking at.

You should try it, I can’t imagine how hard it becomes to search for components etc. When you have so many in one file.

Good read though!

loicgoyet profile image
Loïc Goyet

thanks !

loicgoyet profile image
Loïc Goyet

Actually I don't think we need it even if we have more components that you have.

As our design system is really used to one project, I feel like it could be a bit overkill to me.

But if our components are shared to several projects we will certainly do something in this taste

georgecoldham profile image

Fair enough, I like working with small focused files. If it’s not for you or your project 🤷‍♀️.

TBF I am working on a huge multi service project.