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Geoff Davis
Geoff Davis

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Weekly UI Challenge Week 2 Day 5: Past search term indicators

Welcome to Week 2, Day 5 of my Weekly UI challenge! Week 2 will focus on a search bar UI component; each day throughout this following week, I will pick one subelement of the design to implement. For day five, our goal is to…

Add past search term indicators

When you use a search engine– especially one with autocomplete features– you're usually not just interacting with a server. The most advanced search systems implement some sort of machine learning to make search results appear faster and more relevant.

We won't be building a machine learning platform today, but adding indicators (or in my case, a separate list below the autocomplete options) for terms that have already been searched. This gives users an opportunity to revisit a search they already completed, or in other cases avoid making the same search again.

Following the original design I created, this is what I've got for Day 5:

A search bar component, with input text element, autocomplete dropdown, and submit button

For consistency's sake, the past searched terms sit right below the autocomplete items. If you had a fully functioning search platform, you could populate this list with real results, but in my case, I just used a static list of terms that one may search in my fictional music app.

Here is an animation displaying the past search term list:

An animation showing the search bar component in use, with text input to the input element, a button to trigger a search form submission, an autocomplete dropdown, and a logger display showing the output below

Now it's your turn

I used React.js and Storybook to develop my implementation, but you can use whatever technology stack you would like! (hint: if you use Vue.js or Angular.js, you can still use Storybook for those libraries)

You don't even have to use a view library if you don't want to; HTML and CSS-only (and non-view JavaScript library) components are more than possible, especially for this step.

Also, please add your repos and/or images of your designs in the comments for inspiration! I would love to see what designs you all create.

Happy coding! 🎉

Week 2 Calendar

  1. (Sunday 4/15) Design component ✅
  2. Input field ✅
  3. Submit button ✅
  4. Integrate autocomplete functionality ✅
  5. Past search term indicators 🎯
  6. 100% a11y score
  7. Tweaks, refactors, fixes

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