Sharing a real story...
P.S: Keeping the brand name anonymous!
Couple of month's back, I met with one client who was getting almost 6-8% open rate on their emails. This was not the usual open rates which they arrive. During my conversion, I discovered that in the past, they were getting almost 20-25% open rates.
Then, what suddenly triggered this decline in the open rate trend.
Client: I think your IP address is not proper?
Me: Ok, Sir, let me share you the IP health report.
(I shared a report in which the health of that IP address across 100+ global blocklists was mentioned. It was all green)
Client: Not sure how you got that. But, I think you have also not delivered all of my emails.
Me: Sir, we can check the MTA log reports to find if all emails are delivered on time or not.
Me: Let's do one thing. Let us analyse all of your last 30 days email campaigns and see what's went wrong.
Client: Ok
Me: Please share with me the list of sender domains you used in the last 30 days.
(Like I earlier checked the sender IP address health, this time I tried checking the health of the sender domain).
Debugging/ Research begin here..! 🔍
Step 1️⃣: Checking, if the sender domain is blacklisted or not?
This was really shocking for me because after looping over 100+ of Different DNSBLs, I found the domain was listed in
4 critical blocklists. 😡
3 moderate blocklists. What next? How to delist?
Step 2️⃣: Troubleshooting with the Google Postmaster
After writing down the data points, I concluded that 73.28% of emails were landing in spam just because it was listed in the blocklist. Was this really a problem? Why would an email land in spam due to blocklist?
Step 3️⃣: Fixing the Email spam Mystery!
Since I was confident with reasons, I decided to have a word with the client about their email programs. To fix the spam issue, I shared a few steps to make their emails more streamlined which helped them improve their numbers.
This helped the client to fix their issue within a week.
Isn’t it a fantastic case study! A successful fix!🎯
Also, I was pretty sure that this is not only a single brand Who are struggling with these emails landing in spam problems? In fact, for almost every new #startups, this is a common problem.
If we can fix this issue within a week, then why not help others by productizing the solutions in the form of a tool? ⚙️
Introducing a Community Domain Health Checker Tool…
Note: This tool does/will be doing almost all the steps, I have done manually.
If you are assuming this is paid, then you are wrong❌
After successful testing, I have decided to make it free for all because this is how a community works!😊
How about checking your sender domain now? You can have a try on the tool which gives a comprehensive report on the places where your domain is listed. Not only that, but as I mentioned above, you will also learn the steps to get your domain delisted and ways to improve email deliverability.
Here’s the tool:
DM/comment below for any help or feedback with this tool.🥑
Happy Emailing!
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