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Material-UI: A Comprehensive Front-End Framework for React Apps

Material UI
material ui is a popular open-source front-end framework for building user interfaces in react application.
It provides a set of reusable and customizable UI components that follow the principles of Google's Material Design.

Let's delve into the primary differences between traditional CSS and the Material-UI framework:

CSS: CSS is a stylesheet language used to define the presentation and styling of HTML elements in a web page. 
It controls how the content is displayed, including properties like colors, fonts, spacing, layout, and more.

Material-UI: Material-UI is a front-end framework that provides pre-designed UI components and styles,mainly for building user interfaces in React applications.
It encompasses a collection of ready-to-use components with consistent styling adhering to Material Design principles.

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Is Material UI a CSS framework?

Material-UI is not just a CSS framework; it's a comprehensive front-end framework that focuses on building user interfaces using React, a JavaScript library
for building user interfaces. While Material-UI does include CSS styling and components, it provides much more than just stylesheets.

Is Material-UI exclusively intended for usage with React.js, or can it be employed with other JavaScript frameworks as well?

yes, material ui only designed for React js. But it is possible to use Material-UI with other JavaScript frameworks, but with certain considerations and challenges.

You can find the official Material-UI website at:

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