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The Introvert's Guide to Office Networking

Jenn on August 16, 2018

Next week I'm starting a new job. The first day at a new job feels like the first day of school to me. I have many of the same questions. When a...
avalander profile image

Great article, thanks for sharing! As a massive introvert, I always find it draining to establish relationships with my co-workers. And even though I know they are important and I've become better at it over the years, some days are still challenging and I just want to hide from everybody.

mxl profile image
Maria Boldyreva

I can relate so much, draining is the word.

adhocore profile image

another massive introvert here. 🤗

donita profile image

This article is something I really needed. I sometimes refer to myself as an introvert-extrovert lol and it's really hard for me at times.

andhop profile image
Andy Hopwood

Great article! I think sometimes I find it hard even in an office I've worked in for years! I'm a little both introvert and extrovert. I guess one is a handler for the other 😂

kayis profile image

I tried to network in the office, but I just don't along with most people.

Not because they hate me or something, but mostly because I don't find most people interesting XD

hulkish profile image
Steven Hargrove

I'm an introvert and I never need office supplies.