Learned this cool little terminal searching trick that prints a list of all the files of a certain type there are in a project directory. In addition, it will show how many lines of code each file has and will exclude looking in specified directories.
This can be very helpful when viewing a code base for the first time and you want to see how much JavaScript there is.
Full Command
$ find . -path ./node_modules -prune -o -name '*.js' | xargs wc -l
$ find . {...} -name '*.js' {...}
- This block finds all the files that match ‘.js’. the file name extension can of course be updated to match a different file type.
$ {...} -path ./node_modules -prune -o {...}
- This block excludes the node_modules folder. (Or any other directory specified.)
$ {...} | xargs wc -l
- This block tells the terminal to also include how many lines of code each file has and a sum of all the lines at the end of the report.
I learned about this trick by viewing Nick Janetakis's tutorial on Learning a New and Unfamiliar Code Base and this Stack Overflow article
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