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Discussion on: Why do you love Ruby, actually? An ode.

gdledsan profile image
Edmundo Sanchez

I have been writing some JS and a lot of Python due to company preferences, I keep wanting to go back to ruby everytime something is overly complicated.

however my levels of overly complicated are now quite sensible because of Ruby, ruby truly cares about you as a rubyist and your happiness and makes so much things easier, I really like that about Ruby.

I miss ruby.

Also, you made me look up the 10xEngineer again, I got angry, I might write some ruby to feel happy again.

sylwiavargas profile image
Sylwia Vargas

I love this comment! You made me laugh 😂

ruby truly cares about you as a rubyist and your happiness and makes so much things easier, I really like that about Ruby.
I miss ruby.

^ that is soooo relatable. I also work a lot with other languages and frameworks and Ruby projects always feel like a safe happy place I can come and breathe. In the darkest moments when debugging the spaghetti code, just think about Ruby 💖