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Help come up with a term to describe a product targeted at developers and testers?

We ( would love some help in coming up with a term that describes what we do.

We are building a product that helps developers and testers find, triage and fix issues across the CI/CD pipeline. Our technology works by using machine learning to perfectly structure log data. From there we can perform effective anomaly detection of log data (a good proxy for finding problems), and suggest signatures that allow you to “fingerprint” a sequence of events (including values of parameters in the events) that identify the issue if it happens again. Since the underlying data is structured, we also make it very easy to navigate and build queries of arbitrary complexity.

We have been experimenting with the terms “CI/CD Forensics”, “Dev/Test Forensics”, “CI/CD Verification”, etc. Do any of these terms resonate (i.e. would you as a developer or tester be intrigued by the name and does the name capture what is described above)?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Top comments (1)

gdcohen profile image

Thanks very much for the comment and suggestion. What you say makes complete sense. One of the challenges here is that the lines between production and dev are quite blurry. (BTW, you are understanding what we do correctly)!