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Kiswono Prayogo for Gcore

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How to use DNS SDK in Golang

So we're gonna try to manipulate DNS records using go SDK (not REST API directly). I went through first 2 page of google search results, and companies that providing SDK for Go were:

  1. IBM networking-go-sdk - and - timedout resolving their own website
  2. AWS route53 - - timedout resolving their own website
  3. DNSimple dnsimple-go - and - 160-180ms and 70-75ms from SG
  4. Google googleapis - and - 0ms for both from SG
  5. GCore gcore-dns-sdk-go - and - 0ms and 0-171ms (171ms on first hit only, the rest is 0ms) from SG

I've used google SDK before for non-DNS stuff, a bit too raw and so many required steps. You have to create a project, enable API, create service account, set permission for that account, download credentials.json, then hit using their SDK -- not really straightforward, so today we're gonna try G-Core's DNS, apparently it's very easy, just need to visit their website and sign up, profile > API Tokens > Create Token, copy it to some file (for example: .token file).

create token

This is example how you can create a zone, add an A record, and delete everything:

package main

import (
  _ "embed"

//go:embed .token
var apiToken stringfunc main() {
  apiToken = strings.TrimSpace(apiToken)

  // init SDK
  sdk := dnssdk.NewClient(dnssdk.PermanentAPIKeyAuth(apiToken), func(client *dnssdk.Client) {
    client.Debug = true
  ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Second)
  defer cancel()
  const zoneName = ``

  // create zone
  _, err := sdk.CreateZone(ctx, zoneName)
  if err != nil && !strings.Contains(err.Error(), `already exists`) {
    L.PanicIf(err, `sdk.CreateZone`)

  // get zone
  zoneResp, err := sdk.Zone(ctx, zoneName)
  L.PanicIf(err, `sdk.Zone`)
  // add A record
  err = sdk.AddZoneRRSet(ctx,
    zoneName,        // zone
    `www.`+zoneName, // name
    `A`,             // rrtype
      { //
        Content: []any{
    120, // TTL
  L.PanicIf(err, `AddZoneRRSet`)

  // get A record
  rr, err := sdk.RRSet(ctx, zoneName, `www.`+zoneName, `A`)
  L.PanicIf(err, `sdk.RRSet`)
  L.Describe(rr)  // delete A record
  err = sdk.DeleteRRSet(ctx, zoneName, `www.`+zoneName, `A`)
  L.PanicIf(err, `sdk.DeleteRRSet`)

  // delete zone
  err = sdk.DeleteZone(ctx, zoneName)
  L.PanicIf(err, `sdk.DeleteZone`)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The full source code repo is here. Apparently it's very easy to manipulate DNS record using their SDK, after adding record programmatically, all I need to do is just delegate (set authoritative nameserver) to their NS: and my case because I bought the domain name on google domains, then I just need to change this:

Image description

Then just wait it to be delegated properly (until all DNS servers that still caching the old authorized NS cleared up), I guess that it. This article republished with permission from kokizzu's personal blog

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