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Discussion on: Getting started with fp-ts: Either vs Validation

gcanti profile image
Giulio Canti

This is what sequenceT is doing under the hood (when specialized to getValidation(getSemigroup<string>()) + three validations)

function specializedSequenceT(
  firstValidation: Either<NonEmptyArray<string>, string>,
  secondValidation: Either<NonEmptyArray<string>, string>,
  thirdValidation: Either<NonEmptyArray<string>, string>
): Either<NonEmptyArray<string>, [string, string, string]> {
  // Applicative instance for `Either<NonEmptyArray<string>, A>`
  const V = getValidation(getSemigroup<string>())

  // builds a tuple from three strings
  const tuple = (a: string) => (b: string) => (c: string): [string, string, string] => [a, b, c]

  // manual lifting, check out the "Lifting" section in "Getting started with fp-ts: Applicative"
  return V.ap(V.ap(, tuple), secondValidation), thirdValidation)

function validatePassword(s: string): Either<NonEmptyArray<string>, string> {
  return pipe(
    specializedSequenceT(minLengthV(s), oneCapitalV(s), oneNumberV(s)),
    map(() => s)
isthatcentered profile image
Edouard Penin

Ohhhh, okay, the tuple of results is what you apply to. Thank you so much for your answer!
(And yes, going back to the applicative article right now 😉)