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How to easily rebuild an app after editing a resource?

When editing resource files in Anypoint Studio such as the log configuration, property files, or DataWeave files, you probably noticed that the application is not automatically rebuilt and deployed by the Studio. This is because the Studio only tracks files in src/main/mule or files that are used as resources of a Transform Message component.

This is very inconvenient as starting a new runtime can take a very long time, even with good hardware. Fortunately, there is an easy way to manually trigger the build and redeployment of one or multiple applications that are already running.

Let me show you how to redeploy your app easily. First, open the Project menu and select "Clean...":

Image description

This opens a window where I can either clean all projects, triggering a rebuild of all projects, or select one or more projects that I want to rebuild:

Image description

In this screenshot, only my Experience API will be rebuilt. If the application was already deployed, the runtime will now automatically redeploy it without restarting the whole runtime.

Tip: if your application does not automatically redeploy after editing a Mule Configuration File, make sure "Build Automatically" is checked in the Project menu (see the first screenshot above).

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