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What is GitOps ?

✅ What is GitOps ?
Operational framework : Applies DevOps best practices to infrastructure automation.
Key practices : Version control, collaboration, compliance, and CI/CD.

✅ Core Components of GitOps
IaC (Infrastructure as Code) : Uses a Git repository as the single source of truth for infrastructure definitions.
Merge Requests (MRs) or Pull Requests (PRs) : Mechanisms for infrastructure updates, enabling collaboration through reviews and comments.
CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery) : Automates infrastructure updates using a Git workflow, ensuring environment consistency by overwriting manual changes with GitOps automation.

✅ GitOps vs DevOps
GitOps : Focuses on automation and tooling, typically used with containerization technologies like Kubernetes.
DevOps : Emphasizes communication and collaboration, applicable to any type of application.
Branch of DevOps : GitOps manages infrastructure and application code deployments using Git repositories as the source of truth for deployment states.

✅ GitOps Workflow
Approach : Systematic and version-controlled management of infrastructure and applications.
Configuration : Git repositories serve as the single source of truth.
Changes : Made through pull requests, ensuring peer reviews and audit trails.
Automation : Tools implement changes for consistent and reproducible deployments.
Benefits : High velocity, collaboration, operational efficiencies, clear documentation and traceability.

✅ Key Components of a GitOps Workflow
Git Repository : Central source of truth for code and configuration, ensuring lifecycle consistency.
Continuous Delivery (CD) Pipeline : Automates building, testing, and deploying applications, ensuring quality standards.
Application Deployment Tool : Manages deployment into the desired environment, orchestrating and managing resources.
Monitoring System : Maintains application health, gathers data and supports informed decision-making.

✅ GitOps Principles
Declarative : Clear and defined configurations.
Versioned and Immutable : Ensures changes are tracked and unalterable.
Pulled Automatically : Updates are automatically applied.
Continuously Reconciled : Environment state is continuously aligned with the desired state.

✅ Common GitOps Tools

  • Argo CD
  • Flux CD
  • Jenkins X

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