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Decoding Copied Code

As frontend developers, we are often tasked with creating the best masterpieces that seamlessly blend form and function. The truth is, in this fast-paced realm, time is both a friend and a frenemy.
And here comes our trusty accomplice: copied code. But wait, before using that borrowed code snippet into your code, remember that understanding what you are pasting is like reading a recipe before tossing ingredients into a pot – it’s essential.
In this blog post we going to talk about how to decipher copied code making sure you deliver high-quality work without destroying your whole code and have endless hours of debugging.

Grasp the Purpose

Have an understanding why the code exists. What does it do? Think of it as figuring out why a puzzle piece fits in a certain spot. Knowing its job helps you use it effectively. This helps you understand how you can use this code snippet into your project and see if it will help solve the problem you want to solve without destructing other pieces of code. Understand how data flows, how components interact, and what patterns are used.

Check the dependencies

Check for dependencies, copied code often comes with dependencies. Identify any external libraries, frameworks, or plugins that were used for the code to work properly. Ensure that they are up-to-date and compatible with your project which is crucial.

Read comments

Whenever you get code snippets from different sources such as Stack overflow, check for comments left by the original developer or other developers who would have joined the conversation. These comments will provide insights into the code's functionality, potential pitfalls, or customizations. They will help you navigate the codebase.

Test the code

After having an understanding the code, test it thoroughly in a different environment or use it in your code but be sure to be able to revert to your original code if any errors are faced. Testing will ensure that the copied code behaves as expected and integrates seamlessly with your project. Be ready to debug and adapt as necessary.

Customize the code

Copied code might not fit perfectly into your project hence customization comes into play. Customize it to match your project's requirements. This could involve modifying variable names, adjusting styles, or even rewriting parts of the code for better integration.


Write down a documentation that explains the purpose and functionality of the copied code in your project, this can be in the form of comments in your code. This will serve as a reference for you and or any other person who may come in contact with your codebase and can prevent misunderstandings.

Continuous Learning

Each snippet of copied code is an opportunity to learn. It is an eye opening to some things we had no idea of or things we did not understand. It gives about an opportunity to research more and learn more. Take time to understand why certain approaches were taken and how they might apply to your future projects. Over time, this learning will make you more adept at reading and comprehending different codebases.

Utilizing copied code can be a powerful way to expedite your frontend development process. However, it's crucial to read and understand the code thoroughly before implementing it into your project. By following these steps and investing the time to truly comprehend the code, you ensure a smoother integration, reduced risks, and the ability to troubleshoot and adapt effectively.


In a world where saving time and working efficiently matter most, grasping the concept of using borrowed code becomes really important. Think of it like fitting a puzzle piece perfectly into your project. It all starts by understanding what that piece of code does. Check out comments left by its creators, to get a full picture that helps you fit it into your project seamlessly.
To make sure everything works smoothly, you test it out thoroughly and make any needed changes to match your project's needs. Also, documenting how you used the borrowed code is like leaving a map for both yourself and others who might work on the project later. This helps avoid confusion and keeps the code in good shape.

Remember, this process is not just about using someone else's code; it's also about learning something new every time. It encourages you to explore more deeply and expand your skills. By skillfully using borrowed code, developers can work more efficiently, while also growing their knowledge and building a culture of understanding, progress, and creativity in their work.

Top comments (2)

takunda profile image
Takunda Madechangu

on point

galwhocod3z profile image

Thank you:)